adjudicator ∘ arbitrator ∘ expert in delay and cost analysis
- high analytical skills
- inventive
- project management
Paweł Zejer has worked out more than 60 opinions on the extension of contract completion dates, extension costs, causes of construction failures, correctness of design solutions, valuation of works. Opinions concerned cubature objects and infrastructural investments (road, rail, sea, flood, energy and air). He has been a conciliator in several dozen cases concerning both technical and contractual aspects.
- Łódź University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Environmental Engineering (1995)
- Łódź University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Organization (1999)
- arbitrator of the Court of Arbitration at the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Poland
- member of the Association of Consulting Engineers and Appraisers (SIDiR)
- adjudicator and trainer from the SIDiR list
- former member of the Board of the European Federation of Consulting Associations (EFCA) and SIDiR
Lecturer – Wroclaw University of Technology, Poznan University of Technology, Warsaw School of Economics, Lazarski University

adjudicator ∘ construction expert ∘ expert on structures, technology and organization of construction processes
- knowledge of issues related to technology and organization of investment processes
- knowledge of issues related to project management
- high analytical and management skills
- Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering (2002)
- Doctor of Technical Sciences in the field of Construction, Poznan University of Technology (2006)
- graduate of Executive MBA – Greater Poland School of Business and The Nottingham Trent University (2009)
- Expert in the construction and building specialty in the field of monolithic and masonry structures
- License to direct unlimited construction works in structural and construction specialty
- member of the Association of Consulting Engineers and Appraisers (SIDiR)
- Member of technical committees of EAACA, CEN, PKN
- lecturer at Poznan University of Technology
- since 2008 manager of postgraduate studies on FIDIC contractual conditions at Poznan University of Technology
- author of several dozen scientific publications
- author of more than a hundred expert opinions (selected studies)
Michał PIKOS

expert in analysis and optimization of steel, reinforced concrete and wooden structures
Michał PIKOS
- knowledge of issues related to the design process
- management of the investment process
- analytical skills
Michał Pikos is the author of several scientific publications, author/co-author of several dozen enclosed structure designs, several hundred expert opinions, opinions and judgments covering technical, administrative and legal aspects of both enclosed structures and infrastructural structures.
- Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering (2002)
- Doctor of Technical Sciences in the field of Construction, Poznan University of Technology (2012)
- License to design and direct construction works without limitation in structural and construction specialization
- lecturer at Poznan University of Technology

bridge construction ∘ road construction ∘ non-destructive testing NDT ∘ contract management
- meticulousness in document analysis
- ability to draw specific and general conclusions from comparative analysis
- ability to apply knowledge and experience to the analysis of technical and contractual problems
- ability to concisely and precisely formulate thoughts and draw conclusions
- Wroclaw University of Technology – Master of Engineering (1978)
- Wroclaw University of Technology – Doctor of Technical Sciences (1986)
- SITKOM (1978- 1992)
- Member of the Polish Bridge Builders Association (since 1996)
- National Research Council, Transportation Research Board Committee A2C05 (since 1994) – USA
- TUV Rheinland for TUV am Bau, Poland (expert, 1994, 1995)
Magdalena SOBIECKA

specialist in delay and cost analyses
Magdalena SOBIECKA
- analytical skills
- project management
- investment project accounting
Magdalena Sobiecka, M.Sc. is a co-author of more than 30 opinions on the extension of contract completion dates, extension costs, correctness of design solutions and work valuations. The opinions concerned: cubature objects and infrastructural investments (road, maritime, flood and energy investments).
Author of tender documents in line with FIDIC, World Bank and Polish Public Procurement regulations for several tender procedures.
- Łódź Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Environmental Engineering (1997)

technical specialist with special focus on technologies in road construction
- ability to analyze large data sets and draw conclusions
- ability to design new technical solutions and validate them
- experience in carrying out research and projects in an academic and commercial unit
Dr Jakub Fengier is the author of 12 scientific publications including: national papers, international papers, national and international conference presentations
Author of several research procedures and dozens of technical research reports. Co-author of expert opinions in the field of earth structures and road engineering.
- D. Eng. Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Construction and Environmental Engineering (2018)
- M.Sc. Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2012)
- conducting research grants
- Lead auditor for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and PN-N-18001
- coordination of third party certification (UL, TUV)
- assessment of the technical condition of roads within GIS, individual design of structures
- lecturer at Poznan University of Technology

defect analysis expert
- high analytical skills
- curiosity
- creativity
Paweł Borowski, M.Sc. is the author and co-author of opinions from the scope of on-time analyses, cost analyses as well as defects and faults in: cubature, road, railroad and hydro-engineering facilities. He has supervised and coordinated works on construction sites of residential and industrial facilities.
- Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Construction and Environmental Engineering (2016)
- completed training in Best Value Approach at the B+ level
- construction authorization to manage construction works in structural and civil specialization without limitations

project documentation coordinator
- knowledge and experience gained in modernization and construction of railroad infrastructure investments carried out on the basis of FIDIC Contract Conditions in the “build” and “design and build” formula
- knowledge of the railroad infrastructure investment process and accompanying infrastructure
- in 1995-2010: modernization of railroad line: E-20 on section Siedlce – Łuków, E-30 on section Oława – Lizawice, E-65 on LCS Tczew area, border station: Kuźnica Białostocka and Terespol, Warsaw Central Line
- in 2010-2012: modernization of the Warsaw Central Line – construction of the Warszawa Stadion passenger stop
- in 2012-2016: Lot B2: Modernization of Warsaw – Łódź railroad line, stage II. Łódź Widzew – Łódź Fabryczna section, including Łódź Fabryczna station and construction of underground part of the Łódź Fabryczna railway station intended for check-in and reception of trains and passenger service. Lot B1: Design and construction of the redevelopment of the Łódź Widzew station and the Łódź Fabryczna – Łódź Widzew route
- in 2016-2021: Works on the Warsaw bypass line (section Warsaw Gołąbki/ Warsaw West – Warsaw Gdański) – construction of passenger stop Warsaw Powązki. Modernization of railroad line no. 8, section Warsaw Okęcie – Radom (LOT A, B, F) – FAZA II. Czachówek – Warka section
- in 2021: Construction of the cross-town tunnel in Łódź as part of the implementation of the investment entitled “Streamlining of the Łódź Railway Node (TEN-T), Stage II, Section Łódź Fabryczna – Łódź Kaliska/Łódź Żabieniec.
- Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of Construction and Architecture (1987)
- Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering / specialization – building and engineering structures
- license for building design without limitations
- design office
- ordering parties (PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.),
- contractors (Strabag Sp. z o.o., Budimex S.A., ZUE S.A. Torpol S.A., Trakcja S.A. PBDiM Sp. z o.o.

coordinator of projects, expert in technical issues
- statistical analyses of data sets
- human capital management
- PhD in Commodity Sciences, Engineer (2005)
- Poznań University of Economics (2000)

specialist in construction analysis
- knowledge of the investment process in historic buildings
- analytical skills
- curiosity and meticulousness
- Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Construction (2020)
- Specialist in analyses and construction expertise, with particular emphasis on traditional and historical construction, repairs and reinforcement of structures and thermo-humidity issues.
- Holds a license to manage construction works in the field of construction engineering without limitation.
- Meets the requirements of Art. 37c of the Act on the Protection and Care of Monuments concerning the necessary qualifications for people in charge of or leading investor supervision of objects listed in the register of monuments.

project documentation coordinator
- knowledge and experience gained in modernization and construction of railroad infrastructure investments carried out on the basis of FIDIC Contract Conditions in the “build” and “design and build” formula
- knowledge of the railroad infrastructure investment process and accompanying infrastructure
- in 1995-2010: modernization of railroad line: E-20 on section Siedlce – Łuków, E-30 on section Oława – Lizawice, E-65 on LCS Tczew area, border station: Kuźnica Białostocka and Terespol, Warsaw Central Line
- in 2010-2012: modernization of the Warsaw Central Line – construction of the Warszawa Stadion passenger stop
- in 2012-2016: Lot B2: Modernization of Warsaw – Łódź railroad line, stage II. Łódź Widzew – Łódź Fabryczna section, including Łódź Fabryczna station and construction of underground part of the Łódź Fabryczna railway station intended for check-in and reception of trains and passenger service. Lot B1: Design and construction of the redevelopment of the Łódź Widzew station and the Łódź Fabryczna – Łódź Widzew route
- in 2016-2021: Works on the Warsaw bypass line (section Warsaw Gołąbki/ Warsaw West – Warsaw Gdański) – construction of passenger stop Warsaw Powązki. Modernization of railroad line no. 8, section Warsaw Okęcie – Radom (LOT A, B, F) – FAZA II. Czachówek – Warka section
- in 2021: Construction of the cross-town tunnel in Łódź as part of the implementation of the investment entitled “Streamlining of the Łódź Railway Node (TEN-T), Stage II, Section Łódź Fabryczna – Łódź Kaliska/Łódź Żabieniec.
- Technical University of Lodz, Faculty of Construction and Architecture (1987)
- Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering / specialization – building and engineering structures
- license for building design without limitations
- design office
- ordering parties (PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.),
- contractors (Strabag Sp. z o.o., Budimex S.A., ZUE S.A. Torpol S.A., Trakcja S.A. PBDiM Sp. z o.o.

cubature construction, investment process, fire safety
- management of the investment proces
- project management
- high analytical skills
- Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Construction and Environmental Engineering (2014)
- postgraduate – Fire Engineering of Buildings – Poznań University of Technology and the Main School of Fire Service (2016)
- postgraduate – BIM Manager. Modern management of construction investments – WSB University in Poznań (2018) /li>
- construction authorization to manage construction works in structural and civil specialization without limitations
Krzysztof TOKARSKI

construction analysis
Krzysztof TOKARSKI
- meticulousness
- inquisitiveness
- discernment
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering(2022)
- Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Construction and Environmental Engineering
Radosław WOJTYŁA

construction analysis
Radosław WOJTYŁA
- analytical skills
- reliability and rationality
- critical thinking and logical thinking skills
MSc. Radosław Wojtyła gained his first professional practice on the contract for the construction of the Integrated Communication Center in Poznań (railway and bus stations, shopping mall, multi-storey car park), being responsible for cost and budget control of the project. Since 2015, he has been preparing expert opinions and technical opinions in the field of investment cost analysis, determining contractual liability and the legitimacy of claims of which he is a co-author. He has been associated with the Instytut Analiz Budowlanych since its inception, i.e. since 2017.
- nan University of Technology, Faculty of Construction and Environmental Engineering (2011)